Korea is very advanced country and colorful. I stayed in Seoul and Suwon. Suwon belongs to Gyeonggi-do province. Korea is divided based on Regions and administrative divisions. This categorization of whole South Korea lead to 16 in number. In this Seoul is consider as the city and is capitol of South Korea.
While in Korea some of the words that you could remember to speak to Korean is listed below. This helps in starting conversation. Most of Korean do not speak English. So better be ready to help yourself in finding out anything by dancing and singing in front of Korean(Meaning action and make him understand your concern).
Kamsamnida = Thank You
Yo baseyo = Hello
Anyong Haseyo = How are you (Greeting normally used while start of conversation. It is like "how do you do")
Anyong Hi Kaseyo = Bye
Olma eyo = How Much?
mi ahm ni da = Sorry
chu se you = Give me
kya shan su = check, bill
mool = water
Chun won = W1,000
ee-chun won = W2,000
o-chun won = W5,000
mahn won = W10,000
chogi-yo = come here (useful in restaurants)
You could find Indian restaurants in Suwon like Chakra, Mayuri. There is Indian restaurant in Seoul like Chakra, Baba, Ganga restaurent.
You could tour across the city but city in Korea as such is not built to visit as tourist attraction. It is more of Business center.
Some of the Korean drinks that are popular are Soju(alcoholic), McCol(non-alcoholic like Coko-cola or Pepsi). Most of the products that is seen in the world are locally manufactured in Korea.
You can find Many kinds of City taxi available like Black Taxi( that accepts credit card), white taxi that is having less fair in minimum metered.
You also find that the city never sleeps. You could get anything at anytime as most of the shops operate 24*7. It seems to be city is more safe that you could plan to travel outside at anytime of the day. Moreover you find city taxi available through out the day and night.
There is subway train service that is used by people to travel in Korea. This is very cheap means of transportation to travel between regions in Korea. There are city bus that could be used to travel inside the city or provinces.