Tuesday, October 7, 2008


As I see today gym has become most common physical excersize that any young people practise. I see this is one of the ancient traditional excersize that use to be in Karnataka. This was followed in King's palace while King would become a warrior after he practised it in a long time.
Today it has become more modern with more number of equipments like Thread Mill, Cycling etc. This is most attracting and looks more young among people whom you meet. Hence I would say GYM as "GO YOUNG MONKEY" whereas from the tradition it is been like "Gaurdi mane" in kannada.
I do not want to corelate this with YOGA(Young Over gigs Age). As I see YOGA is one that keeps people passion and more healthy. This is helpful in curing most of the diseases permanently. This is practised early in the morning due to which it helps in keeping freshness throught out the day. There are many body positions that are called as ASANAS, to name a few Mayur ASANA, Shirs ASANA, Kukuta ASANA, Garuda ASANA, SURYA ASANA etc.
The best ASANA that should be followed daily is the SURYA ASANA, also popularly known as SURYANAMSKARA in which you need to follow 12 different position for around 10 times in a day.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Oh man!

I thought how man has made his life comfort. His inventions are thought to be superb as no comparision is there in universe except inovative thoughts of comparision.

I first thought how man emerged in getting inovating things to travel on different medium. Now I wonder why man did not thought of inovation in this manner.

To move in water with steam boat we require diseal as resource.
To move in air with airoplane we require petrol as resource.
To move on earth on a road we require diseal, petrol resource.

It could be something like this,
To move in water with a boat requirement should be water as resource.
To move in air with airoplane requirement should be air as resource.
To move on earth on the soil/sand requirement should be soil/sand as resource.

Now I think inovation are done without any constrants in using the resource. Hence the most inovative could cost more in long run. I agree inovating things should not be in constraint as it would lead thought process become narrow.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Foreign food

We have lot to do while we travel across the place or country. We need to know about the remote place and need to have some local currency. Hence we have tag to define each of these to help people by stating them as foreign.

foreign exchange - Place where you can get currency.
foreign policy - Place where you can collect information.
foreign national - Place where you can update your citizen status.
foreign language - Place where you can know about the language.
foreign corporation - Place where you can have an account.
foreign affairs - Place where you can know the news.

But when we travel outside the dwelling place do we have anything that describes about the food that is practised. It is sometimes very difficult to visit a foreigner to a country where he is likely to find any vegetarian food.

why don't we have,
foreign food - Place where you can have food.

I agree that restaurants are categorized based on continental operation. This will not solve you to have all the food that you taste at your dwelling place. It serves only what they supply.

"Foreign food" is something like you got your cook next to you to serve what you tell and he understands to prepare it best way that you daily taste.

I relate it to the movies like "chini cum" or "ratatouille", place where things are cooked to touch the heart of the consumer, still it is about the food that restaurant supply but not the one cooked at the spot as asked by the consumer.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Suwon Ibis hotel and Chakra Indian restaurant

I found Ibis hotel more convinient to travel to Samsung Electronics R&D center. If you take taxi to Samsung central gate then you have to tell driver as "Samsung Jung young mun".

Similarly if you want to go to one of Indian restaurant present nearby the front gate of Samsung office then you have to say "Samsung Thong young mun". To go to the front gate of Samsung "Samsung Jung mun".

Watch photos to know more about the Hotel and some images taken in an Chakra Indian restaurant in Korea.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Stay in Korea

Korea is very advanced country and colorful. I stayed in Seoul and Suwon. Suwon belongs to Gyeonggi-do province. Korea is divided based on Regions and administrative divisions. This categorization of whole South Korea lead to 16 in number. In this Seoul is consider as the city and is capitol of South Korea.

While in Korea some of the words that you could remember to speak to Korean is listed below. This helps in starting conversation. Most of Korean do not speak English. So better be ready to help yourself in finding out anything by dancing and singing in front of Korean(Meaning action and make him understand your concern).

Kamsamnida = Thank You

Yo baseyo = Hello

Anyong Haseyo = How are you (Greeting normally used while start of conversation. It is like "how do you do")

Anyong Hi Kaseyo = Bye

Olma eyo = How Much?

mi ahm ni da = Sorry

chu se you = Give me

kya shan su = check, bill

mool = water

Chun won = W1,000

ee-chun won = W2,000

o-chun won = W5,000

mahn won = W10,000

chogi-yo = come here (useful in restaurants)

You could find Indian restaurants in Suwon like Chakra, Mayuri. There is Indian restaurant in Seoul like Chakra, Baba, Ganga restaurent.

You could tour across the city but city in Korea as such is not built to visit as tourist attraction. It is more of Business center.

Some of the Korean drinks that are popular are Soju(alcoholic), McCol(non-alcoholic like Coko-cola or Pepsi). Most of the products that is seen in the world are locally manufactured in Korea.

You can find Many kinds of City taxi available like Black Taxi( that accepts credit card), white taxi that is having less fair in minimum metered.

You also find that the city never sleeps. You could get anything at anytime as most of the shops operate 24*7. It seems to be city is more safe that you could plan to travel outside at anytime of the day. Moreover you find city taxi available through out the day and night.

There is subway train service that is used by people to travel in Korea. This is very cheap means of transportation to travel between regions in Korea. There are city bus that could be used to travel inside the city or provinces.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Travel Via Singapore

While you travel across the country you get option of onboard visit to Singapore. If you got plenty of time you can do lot of things in Singapore Airport.

1. You can take free Singapore site visiting tour that covers most of the places by sitting in the bus. This ends up at 16:00 in the afternoon.
2. There is big TV/Movie longuee. You can spend some time over there.
3. If you are an Indian no need to wory about the food. You got Kaveri restaurent that supplies most of the Indian varieties.
4. You got free internet access, so you can blog, check emails.
5. They also give you free shuttle service to visit the city center. You can avail this if you have valid Singapore/US VISA available.

One best thing but time killing is the screening that happens before you board the flight. So make sure to be at your respective terminals 1 hour before the filght time.

During this month they have got lucky dip contest. To be part of this contest you have to spend $80 and assures you to get some gift. I thought of sharing my views and experiences at Singapore Airport.